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Nicholas Pisano
Born in Pennsylvania
25 years
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Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
November 20, 2008
I just wanted to stop by and let your family know we are thinking of you. I especially wanted to thank Nicky for bringing us together. It is more than a coincidence that we have met I do believe. Knowing your mother I know that you played some part in this and feel as if I had known you your whole life as I can feel the love and compassion through your wonderful but sometimes crazy Mom. Laura--Lisa's Mom
   Laura Maas & AV SWan (By The Lake in Erie, PA)

   November 18, 2008
My Dearest Son
I wrote you a little Thanksgiving poem hope you like it:

As the months go by,and time moves on
I can hear you tell me "ma ya gotta stay strong"
The tears flow readily,for it broke my heart
On the day God took you and our paths did part
Not a second goes by that I don't think of you
I look around lost and say what do I do?
Your smell,your laugh,your joking ways
Creep up and smother me most of my days
Oh tell me son why did you have to leave?
The pain with your passing chokes me till I can't breathe
Life isn't the same how can it be so?
For your presence is missed down here below
I'll set you a platter this Thanksgiving day
And pray to the Father to show me the way

With all my LOVE MOMMY
   barbara pisano (phila, PA)
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Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009

   November 17, 2008
nick its me just stoping by to say hi and i miss you.
   joseph schlacter (philadelphia)

   November 15, 2008
Just wanted to stop by and let you know that your family and your beautiful son are in our thoughts and prayers. God will give us the strength to get through this. Sending all of our love. Laura
   Laura & Av Family of Lisa Maas (Erie, PA)

   November 15, 2008
Dearest Nicky
Just wanted to say heh how are you?The holidays are approaching and I got to tell you I'm dreading them.Who's gonna take triple portions of leftovers? I think I might break down and give Bella some people food that day,I'll feel like you're here with us even though I know that you'll be here in spirit.The other guy who confessed has his pre trial Tues Nov 25th yeah my BD.Hope we get good news it would be a great BD present.Well son just wanted to tell you how much I love you and miss you.Forever in my thoughts.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOO
   Barbara pisano (Phila, PA)
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Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
November 6, 2008
hey nick,
just stoppin by to say hi and tell u how much we all miss u!! I talked to ure mom a couple times through email and lemme tell u she has a lot of strength in her god bless her!! even though u are in a better place we miss u and love u so
love gloria, mike , giovanni and denise xoxxo
   gloria romolini (south philly, PA)

   October 31, 2008
It's been a long and so very sad 7 months since I received that call that would change our family's lives forever. Although I know that you are safe and happy in God's loving embrace,I can't help but be sad when I think of you not being here with us.We are left behind with only memories of the past and the promise of even a better life ahead with God.It's hard for me to put into written words how I feel. I think of you every day with both love and sadness.Today is Halloween and I am recalling all the happy times we had when you and your sister and brothers were little and the cousins would all get dressed up and meet at Grandmom and Grandpop's house.I watched your video again today and as always, it makes me miss you all the more,but crying can be OK because it reminds me of what a special person you were to me.I pray every day for God to give your family the strength to hold on and make it through.I went to visit you today and your mom has made a beautiful flower garden in your memory; a beautiful garden for a beautiful soul. I'm sure you are singing God's praises up in heaven. I love you Nicky. Keep us in your prayers. Love, Aunt Reenie
   Maureen Fragale (Holland, PA)
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
December 15, 2008
just droping in to say whats up and i was thinking of u!
   joey schlacter

   December 14, 2008
I know we are sining on a different page but I just wanted to leave a quick note here. We love and miss you Nick.
   Tia Carson (Oaks, PA)

   December 5, 2008
hi nick just thinking of u and the family.
   joey schlacter (philly)

   December 4, 2008
hi nick we just wanted to stop by and tell u how much we all miss u! love u mike, gloria, giovanni and denise Gangemi
   gloria romolini (philadelphia, PA
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
November 28, 2008
Some days the words flow and I can write down what I am thinking with clarity. But as of late, I have struggled. I haven't written because I can't seem to express the wide variety of emotions I am feeling. Tears form in my eyes even as I write this. I guess the only thing I can really say right now is that you are sorely missed , my dear cousin Nicky.
   Tia Carson (OAks, PA)
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   November 27, 2008
Dear Nicky,
It's Thanksgiving and wish you were here to celebrate with us. I am always thinking about you. I am sad because you are not with us but thankful for the 25 other Thanksgivings that you were. I am also thankful for your mom and dad, and your sister and brothers and everyone else who loved you so much. I love you!

Love, Aunt Marge
   Marge Hellmuth (Philadelphia, PA)

   November 27, 2008
Nicky...Happy Turkey Day to you and all who love and miss you sooo to Mom AV,Laura,Kelly,Melanie and forever Lisa...
   Laura maas (erie, PA)

   November 27, 2008
For my dearest son Nicky just wanted to be the first to stop by this Thanksgiving day and wish you a Blessed Thanksgiving,What a meal you must be having up in heaven.Wish I was there miss you love you always MOMMY
   Barbara Pisano (Phila, PA)
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Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
November 26, 2008
Hey Nicky –
Dropping in to say "Hi". As I'm sure you know, I went to pray and take flowers to you last Wednesday (11/19) after I got out of work. I must have taken a wrong turn on one of the roads in the cemetery...I got out of the car and walked around a bit, but I couldn't find your place. It was getting dark and I began to have a hard time reading the signs. I was really feeling overwhelmed at not remembering such simple directions. Then I thought I could hear your voice saying "C'mon Aunt Sue...I know you're here, and besides your sense of direction was always lousy!!!!" (I pictured the smirk on your face, Nicky, and that made me smile!!) Well, thank you for the prayers we shared that day, and for helping me to feel your peace and presence. I felt sad that I couldn't find you, but while I was looking for you ...I guess you found me instead!

Very saddened that you’re not here to celebrate Thanksgiving with your family, but giving thanks to God for blessing our lives with you for the short time that we did have with you.
Missing you and sending my love, hugs and kisses.
Aunt Sue
   Sue Lienert (Philadelphia)
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   November 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom/Barb...just wanted Mom to know we were thinkin' of her and you Nicky..u will be forever loved and missed to ur family..Laura,AV,Kelly,Melanie & 4ever Lisa...
   Laura maas (Erie, PA)
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Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
December 30, 2008
Barb & Family:
I just wanted to let you know that my family & I think of & pray for you often. I know that the holidays are difficult without Nicky, but I also know that you are strong & have each other as well as so many wonderful friends & family to help you get through each day.
I'm sure that Nicky knows how much he is Loved & Missed. I pray that God continues to give you the Strength, Faith, & Peace that you need. God Bless All of You.
Love, Lin
   Linda Ferro (Philadelphia, PA)
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
December 27, 2008
hay nick just want u to know i love and miss u!
   joey schlacter (philly)

   December 26, 2008
hey, nick... i just wanted to let ya know i was thinkin of you.

   December 26, 2008
Dear Pisano family and Nicky, I won't say Merry Christmas because for our families it is not this year. I know we share the same pain in our loss. I hope Nicky and Christian are spending some time together this holiday. They are Angel's together in Heaven. Nicky your Mom wrote you a beautiful poem, she misses you so much and now I have that same feeling for Christian. I hope you guys are together and at peace. Pisano family I am always thinking and praying for you guys. Love, Brigitte
   Brigitte Lauletta (Phila, PA)

   December 26, 2008
Dear Barb & Family - Thoughts and prayers are with you all during this holiday season. I know this is a difficult time and I only wish there was some way to take away your hurts. We know Nickey is the Angel at the top of our trees and watching over everyone. I will light a candle on his website. Love, Carol
   Carol Ferro (Philadelphia, PA)
Nicky Tributes March 17, 2009
  December 25, 2008
Dearest Angel Nicky I wrote you a poem for Christmas

As Christmas time draws near I cry
When asked how I'm doing I can not lie
I think of the past 25 years you were here
Reduced to memories that I hold dear

I long to hold you again and never let go
No one can replace you son of this I know
Decorating,shopping ,caroles to sing
That warm,fuzzy feeling that Christmas brings

Those things used to bring me so much joy
But it's different this year my angel boy
Your picture hangs on the Christmas tree
Stockings and presents you'll never see

Christmas's now will be spent with the Lord up above
My gift to you is sending " ALL OF MY LOVE"

sing loud and clear your first Christmas in Heaven I'm so proud of you Always missing and loving you
   Barbara Pisano (Phila, PA)
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   December 21, 2008
On Friday I went visiting and stopped at Nicky’s resting place. It looks so beautiful; you can see how much he was loved. On my way home I was thinking about you, Barb and how difficult it must be, especially at this time of the year. I started to think about where the strength to breathe everyday might come from. Who could possibly understand in full what you have been going thru? Then it came to me – The Blessed Mother. Only the mother of Jesus could completely understand. I pray that She speaks to you with the guidance you need.
   Aunt Tina Hensel (chALFONT, PA)
Nicky Tributes March 17, 2009
December 18, 2008
Happy Holidays Nicky!! You remain in our hearts and prayers ! we love u
Michael, Gloria, Giovanni and Denise Gangemi
   gangemi (Philadelphia, PA)

   December 17, 2008
Dearest Nicky,
It's been so long since i last wrote you on here, however i speak with you through the Lords love everyday and night. Barb I have been praying for you and your beloved family, and I just wanted to let you all know that God is divine! He is everasting, and through him all things are made possible, Nicky is working his little magic in that great paradise above. The Lord is lucky to have him there, while he is so sadly missed here, I know he is working on a more signifigant plan with our creator. His plans are yet to be revealed but in time we shall all be reunited, oh what a day that will be! OUR FATHER, OUR MASTER, THE LORD OF LOVE AND ALL THINGS GREAT,and NICKY. GOD BLESS YOU Barb abd family, with prayers and love always!

   coleen new (Phila, PA)
Contact me

   December 16, 2008
To Everyone who visits Nicky's site
I have started a memory page for Nicky to get to it in address section type in nicholas-pisano.memory-of .com and you can light a candle which always will remain lit.I am no where near done Nicky's page but if you would like anything to go in it contact me and I will add it.condolances and tributes will also be on it along with some of his lyrics he wrote so stop in every now and then to light a candle just say hey or write a message.We love and appreciate you all.Happy holidays
   barbara pisano (phila, PA)
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Nicky tribute March 17, 2009
February 1, 2009
hi nick its the superbowl and i was telling my grilfriend how good of an arm you have. yo nick i miss you!i hope your family is doing very well.
   joey schlacter (philadelphia)

   January 31, 2009
Dear Nicky
Just sitting here drinking tea and thinking about you and Christian and wondering what adventure you's have planned for the day.I wanted to tell you that you are forever loved and missed.XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOO Mommy
   Barbara Pisano (Phila, PA)
Contact me

   January 23, 2009
i just want you to know that i am sorry for moving away and not keeping in touch with you i love you and you were a good friend!!!
   joey schlacter (philadelphia)
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
January 21, 2009
Dear Loving Son of mine ^n^ I haven't written in here in a while since I have the Memory page now I want to remind everyone to google in nicholas pisano and enter and go to where it says memorial for you click on and light a candle or send a condolance message.It means so much to us as we see the many candles lit for you.I love you always and forever .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
   Barbara Pisano (Philadelphia, PA)
Contact me

   January 21, 2009
Hi Nicky, I'm just sitting here at work thinking about you and my son Chris. Your Mom and I had a good cry this morning on the phone together. We just miss you guys so much. We are trying to give each other strength to carry on without you guys. It's so hard for both of us. Take care of each other Angels. Love, Brigitte
   Brigitte Lauletta (Philadelphia, PA)
Contact me

   January 5, 2009
happy new years nick!!! we just wanted to say hi and tell u that u are alwasy in our thoughts and prayers! love mike, gloria, giovanni and denise gangemi xoxoxo
   gloria gangemi (philly, PA)

   January 2, 2009
As the days come and go, we continue to pray and think about you. This is another day like that.
   Cousin Tia (Oaks, PA)
Nicky tribute March 17, 2009
Cousin Tia (Oaks, PA)

   January 1, 2009
Dearest ^n^ Nicky My son,my love ,my life.I'm remembering last new years when you asked me if I would watch Bella so you could go up on Broad st to the parade and maybe meet girls.Reluctantly I said yes,I was afraid she was going to pee all over the rug.Then you missed her and came back.Well she turned out to be the best dog ever and we all had a hard time this new years without you.I send you my undying LOVE and KISSES this new year's day and pray for continued strength to make it just one more day without you.Look out for your family and friends with the help of the Lord,we are preparing to meet you again.Oh what a celebration that will be.As Katie said you are celebrating with the Birthday Boy himself.You always were a VIP.Love always and forever my precious son.MOMMY
   Barbara Pisano (Phila, PA)
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   January 1, 2009
Dear Barb, Paul, and Family,

I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you. I know these past couple of weeks have been especially hard for you. May the new year bring you all some peace and comfort.
   Marge Hellmuth (Philadelphia)
Contact me

   January 1, 2009
Dearest Nicky,
I know you hear me when i talk to you.I wanted to wish you a happy new year i'm sure your here with all of us right now by our side to comfort us during this difficult time although i'm happy you were the chosen one meaning you don't ever have to suffer like those unchosen ones will once it all comes to an end you'll be okay like you deserved to be. and you are now with tony and the lord I still can't help to miss you so much, but i'm sure you understand we on earth don't have the strength to forget you...I LOVE YOU NICKY AND MISS YOU DEEPLY
   MICHELE IOVINO (Philadelphia, PA)
Nicky tribute March 17, 2009

   February 24, 2009
Dear Nicky my very own angel. May the dear Lord bless you,May the dear Lord bless you,May the dear Lord Bless Nicky,Happy Birthday to you.I love you my sweet boy,I miss you and weep for you daily.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOO
Love Mommy
   Barbara Pisano (Phila, PA)
Contact me

   February 24, 2009
We are right now sitting and eating and remembering. I try to see something good even in the bad. Today we miss you terribly but I am thankful that you brought us together today. So thank you Nicky!
   Cousin Tia (PA)

   February 24, 2009
Happy birthday nicky!!! we love you
   gloria and mike gangemi (philadelphia, PA)

   February 23, 2009
dearest nicky,
tomorrow is your birthday, and im sitting here just thinking about another day yet gone by without you here, and still somehow i find peace knowing that you darling are sitting with our Great Father in Paradise. Happy Birthday bumpkin. ;) missing you always.
   coleen new
nicky tributes March 17, 2009
To my dearest son Nicky Happy Valentines day sweetheart It's not the same without you and never will be.You are my heart forever and a day Love Always XXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mommy
   Barbara Pisano (Phila, PA)
Contact me

   February 9, 2009
To all Nicky's relatives and friends I'm having a little Birthday thing for Nicky at the resurrection cemetary on 2 different dates due to the fact that his BD falls on a work day.The one is Sunday Feb 22nd at 2pm and the other is his BD Feb 24th tues at 12 noon.I'm going to release some balloons and say a few things hope you can make one of the dates.All of my love Barb Hey Nick Love u always miss u forever XXXXXXXOOOOOOOOMommy
   barbara pisano (phila, PA)
Contact me

   February 2, 2009
hey nick just letting u know your in our prayers we love u ...gloria, mike, giovannia nd denise
   gloria and mike gangemi (philly, PA)

   February 1, 2009
Hi Nicky, Just sitting here in work wondering if you and Chris are watching the superbowl from heaven. This was one of Chris's favorite days of the year. I wonder who you guys are rooting for. Remember how much you are always loved and missed. I pray for your family every day. Love, Brigitte xxx00000000
   Brigitte Lauletta (Phila, PA)
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Aunt Marge tribute March 17, 2009
February 24, 2009
Happy Birthday, Nicky! We all gathered at the cemetary on Sunday to remember you! Your mom and dad did a beautiful job decorating for you. The sight of all the colorful balloons with everyones messages going up toward the heavens to greet you was fabulous. We miss you and love you always, Nick!!!
   Aunt Marge (Philadelphia, PA
Barbara pisano tributes March 17, 2009
March 16, 2009
To everyone who knew and loved Nicky
I started a memory page for Nicky in Nov and it caught a virus.We were told not to use it so with his angelversary date coming up I started a new one the address is please type in pisano in search and then go to the gray rectangular box with his pic and click on this will take you to his main page where you can pick to light a candle or leave a message.I am starting a friend albumn so if you have any pics u would like to email me please do.It has been a very hard year without Nicky as you all know and you all have been a great comfort to me Thank you all very much
   Barbara Pisano (Phila, PA)
Contact me
Mommy Missing You March 17, 2009
Dearest Son of mine    I love you and miss you and wish we could be together now.But I have to wait on the Good Lord and so I fill my time writing messages to you and creating things that I think you would enjoy.Nothing like the beauty you now embrace every day but it passes the time and lonliness I feel every day wanting you here.I will consider this my new journal Nick a place where I can come to and relax with you and tell you my thoughts.Good night my beautiful baby boy XXXXXXXOOOOOO Always MOMMY
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