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Nicholas Pisano
Born in Pennsylvania
25 years
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Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
   May 5, 2008
Dear Aunt Barb & Uncle Paul,

I am sorry I have not written before now but I have been consumed by emotions this past month with this tragedy. I am deeply sorry that you have to go through this. He was too young, too loved to have been taken so suddenly. I know now what it means to say "God's will not ours be done". Do we like it? NO! but I know God is holding Nicky safely in his arms. I have had my own spiritual awakening this past year in dealing with my own issues and I believe The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you. You are all in my heart and prayers every day. I would love to come to one of your Bible readings. Just remember God & Nicky are smiling down on you every time the sunshines reaching out to you with a hug. I love you both.
   Dawn Palilonis (Bristol, PA)
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   May 4, 2008
To The Pisano Family:

Barbara, Paul, Sr., Paul, Vinny, Jimmy, and Rachel, I just wanted you guys to know that I will always be there for each and every one of of you. I just want to tell family and friends how close me and Nicky were. He was my right hand man and brother, one of the funniest and most talented kids I ever met. My man had a heart of gold and an ego that would cheer you up on the rainiest day. It really happend? This crazy tragedy? I think about you everyday. You are on my mind 24/7. It's hard to deal with the fact that you are really gone, but everytime I look at my phone, I want to call you and it becomes more real. I feel like you are just away for awhile and I guess in a sense this is true because we will be together again one day.
We had a lot of good times together and enjoyed going out clubbing and having fun at an early age.
We always looked out for each other and thats what a real friend is. Our friendship was priceless. I just want to say save me a spot right next to you so I can chill up there in heaven with you. You will always be in my prayers and soon inked on my body to show that you took a piece of me when you left.
I love you and your family and you were the most straight up man that I ever knew. I am going to miss you Brother. You will be in my heart forever.
Sadly missed and loved your beloved friend/brother, Chris (Cheeks), Lisa, The Guerriero Family and Kilo too.
   Chris (Cheeks) Guerriero (17th and Snyder, PA)
Nicky Tributes March 17, 2009

   May 3, 2008
To Barbara and the Pisano Family:

My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

Please know that you and your family are in my daily prayers.

I was not there personally, but rest assurred that I was there spiritually.

When I first found out I felt that I was in shock and it was not real. I cried and realized that it was true. I felt broken hearted and an immediate reaction or almost Nicky telling me to go to Cheecks, his best friend/brother to make sure that he was ok. Just like Nicky, always looking out for him, like a big brother. I followed my instinct and found myself in the middle of the night tracking Chris to his father's house.
Barb, as a mother myself, I cannot imagine what you are going through, but please know that I am here if you need a shoulder to cry on, someone to talk to, a hug, anything, I am here for you, just as Nicky was always there for Chris and I through good and bad times. I am grateful that I had the time and experience to be a part of Nicky's life even if it was only for a short period of time. We will hold him in our hearts forever for nobody can take our memories from us. We will cherish them forever.

I have been with Chris a lot since this tragedy to comfort him as Chris was there for me when my mother passed away. This is the way that Nicky would have wanted it to be and he would had wanted it to be with me.

I wanted to remember Nicky just from the last time that Cheeks and I were at his apartment to see his new dog just as he ran to our apartment when I first got my new dog. Actually, he was talking with you, Barb, on the phone. We had a good time just hanging out, laughing, ordering food and listening to Nicky's funny stories. Nicky spent almost that whole Summer with us. I guess that Summer was our allotted time that God granted us to have Nicky in our lives on a daily basis and we had a great time.
Nicky was happy.

Until we all meet again. Sadly loved and missed by Chris(Cheeks), Rafael (my son), and Lisa.

P.S. I plan on attending a bible study class. Hope to see you soon. A FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGHER STAYS TOGETHER.
   Lisa Laracuente (Philadelphia, PA)
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   April 29, 2008
Barbara & Family:
I just wanted to let you know that you are all in my thoughts & prayers, when my cousin died someone left this poem on his guestbook and I really enjoyed it, hope you do to. I will continue to pray for your family. Rather than mourn the absence of the flame, let us celebrate how brightly it glowed.

My Dearest Family:
Some things I'd like to say; but first of all, to let you know that I arrived okay. I'm writing this from Heaven, where I dwell with God above; where there's no more tears or sadness, there is just eternal love. Please do not be unhappy, just because I am out of sight. Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night. That day I had to leave you, when my life on earth was through, God picked me up and hugged me, and He said, "I welcome you." It's good to have you back again; you were missed while you were gone. As for your dearest family, they'll be here later on. I need you here so badly, as part of My Big Plan; there's so much that we have to do to help our mortal man." Then God gave me a list of things He wished for me to do. And, foremost on that list of mine is to watch and care for you. And I will be beside you every day and week and year, and, when you're sad, I'm standing there to wipe away the tears. And when you lie in bed at night, the day's chores put to flight, God and I are closet to you in the middle of the night. When you think of my life on earth, and those 25 loving years, because you're only human, they are bound to bring you tears. But do not be afraid to cry-it does relieve the pain. Remember, there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain. I wish that I could tell you of all that God has planned; But, if I were to tell you, you wouldn't understand. But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is over, I am closer to you now than I ever was before. And to my very many friends, trust God knows what is best. I'm still not far away from you - I'm just beyond the crest. There are rocky roads ahead of you, and many hills to climb. But, together we can do it, taking one day at a time. It was always my philosophy, and I'd like it for you too, that as you give unto the world, so the world will give to you. If you can help somebody who is in sorrow or in pain, then you can say to God at night, "My day was not in vain." And now I am contented that my life, it was worthwhile; knowing, as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile. So, if you meet somebody, who is down and feeling low, just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go. When you are walking down the street, and you've got me on your mind, I'm walking in your footsteps, only half a step behind. And when you feel the gentle breeze, or the wind upon your face, that's me giving you a great big hug, or just a soft embrace. And when it's time for you to go, from that body to be free, remember your're not going, you are coming here to me. And I will always love you from that land way up above. Will be in touch again soon.
P.S. God sends his love.

Ruth Ann Mahaffey (author)
©Copyright 1998-2005

Love, Erin
   Erin Hennessy (Philadelphia, PA)
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
April 28, 2008
Dear Barb, Paul, Paulie, Vinny, Rachel, and Jimmy,

I just wanted you to know that I am thinking and praying for all of you. I love you all so much. May the strength of the love that you all have for each other and for Nicky carry you through.


   Marge Hellmuth (Phila, PA)
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   April 28, 2008
brother my big brother i cant sleep without u. cenzo remembers everything about you. unfortunatley i had to see you like that i am so sick without you. i cant get it out of my head i wish i was there!!!!u helped make me what i am today.... cause we never had a silver spoon in our mouth and plus we never had a room in our house 8 heads 3 beds gotta sleep on the couch..ahah remember spitting that to me?... i wouldnt change a thing. nick dirt and fatneck brothers for life...blood makes us brothers life makes us friends. cant believe i am typing this it makes me sick. praise jesus you always were fast guess thats why u finished the race first..pray for me brother i need it i will never be the same ever again
   brother vinny (south philly)
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   April 26, 2008
Time has passed, but every single day i think of you still.To the family you are in my prayres daily I will never forget OUR beloved NICKY.....Barbara can you please contact me with directions to the cemetary i would love to go and see nicky.Thank you
   michele iovino (philadelphia, PA)
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Dear Barbara, Paul, Paulie, Vinny, Rachel & Jimmy,
How does anyone properly convey their sincerest condolences at such a tragic time and loss, especially within their own immediate family?
It has now been three weeks since every human emotion has poured through our body and soul at the tragic loss of our beloved Grandson.
The shock, the anger, the senselessness overtook our emotions, and only our shared tears and giant hugs were able to replace the words which could not be clearly spoken. We know that at those critical moments we can readily visualize our beloved Nicky looking down and wanting to join in on that hugging experience that the Pisano family so readily embraces.
As our tears eventually dry, but the ache in our hearts remains constant, we must take heart in the joy and love that Nicky obviously brought to so many people in so many different ways. This is so evident from the outpouring of treasured responses in the Guest Book established for Nicky.
The expressions of love, demonstrated by Nicky in so many varied ways. His smile, his tenderness, his jovial spirit, his comradeship to all, his concern for all animals, and above all else, his true devotion to the Bible. To some, it was his nickname.
And so, to the Pisano family, you know only too well, how we share your grief, and take comfort in the fact we all have a special new gaurdian angel to look after us in Nicky. As we continue to express our love for each other and give comfort, let us remember that as we give that huge hug, leave that special space for Nicky to scooch in and join us to keep that everlasting family bond.
May Nicky rest in eternal peace in the heavenly mansion reserved for him.
Love and Prayers,
Mom and Dad
   Robert & Kathleen Hensel (Philadelphia, PA)

   April 25, 2008
To everyone who loved and knew our Nicky
I can't explain the pain and anguish we are all going through at this time of our precious loss.What helps are the kind and encouraging messages and prayers that were sent to us by all of you.We read them daily and take great comfort in knowing that you loved our Nicky too.I would ask that I continue to hear from you.Some I really need to get in touch with but don't know how.Rob Workman if you are out there please contact me through this guest book so I can call you.The beautiful poems and messages sent are God's way of hugging me and telling me that His promise is forever.We will see Nicky again.In a grief book my parents gave me there was a mother who lost her child and at night when the night was done she looked back on the day gone and rather than say it was one more day that she didn't have her son with her ,she looked at it as one day closer to the day that she would see him again. .What a great outlook.Continue to pray for us as we have a long road ahead of us but knowing you all cared enough to write in his book,means more than you will ever know.Please read your Bible daily as Nicky did because he was sending you all a message,be ready when He calls and have a contrite heart,we are all sinners,but we can repent and try to enjoy the blessings that will come your way.God bless and please continue to write us,we look forward to it.LOVE
   Barbara Pisano (Philadelphia, PA)

   April 25, 2008
Pisano Family,

I was shocked and dismayed to hear about Nick's passing. I didn't know until I read the Review last week. I remained staring at his picture and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I remember him sitting in my eighth grade classroom at GAMP giving me a hard time, but Nick was just being " the class clown". I really enjoyed having him in my class. He always made me laugh even when I was trying to be serious. I even have a picture of Nick and me dancing at his eighth grade graduation dance. I don't know what to say except I am deeply sorry and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Angela Maresco (Palumbo)
   Angela Palumbo (Philadelphia, PA)
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Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
June 26, 2008
nick u have eyes like a angle every time i seen u made me smile.when i had no were to go u took me home and your family treated me like a son and a brother you and your family accepted me for who i was.even when i felt like giving up u did not give up on me. i just wish i could tell u this face to face I LOVE YOU!
   joseph schlacter (philly, PA)
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   June 26, 2008
   joseph schlacter (philly, PA)
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   June 11, 2008
Dear Barb, Paul, Pauly, Kristina & Angelyna, Vinnie, Maria, Vincenzo & Vienna, Rachel and Jimmy,
Just a reminder that I'm hugging you every day in my thoughts of you and in my prayers for you.
Through sweet and loving memories of Nicky, praying that the sun will warm you with smiles to get you through each day, and that the moon will calm you with sweet dreams to help you rest peacefully through each night.
Love & Hugs,
Sue / Aunt Sue
   Sue Lienert (Philadelphia, PA)

   June 6, 2008
Dear Barb and Paul: I just wanted to let you know I am thinking and praying for you and your family. Nicky is resting with God, and they are watching over you and your family. I have not seen you in awhile, but please know I pray for you always. God Bless you , Love Margaret
   Margaret Brewster (Bensalem, PA
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
June 4, 2008
Dear Paul, Barb & Family - I'm sorry it's taken so long to write a note in the guest book, but it's still hard to believe that Nickey is not here. We know that he is in the hands of God. I remember Nickey as a child and all the energy he had playing sports. God now has one of the BEST players on His team! Our thoughts and prayers are with you daily.
   Bill, Carol, Linda & Mike Ferro (Philadelphia, PA)

   May 25, 2008
My dearest Barb &Paul,
I feel the deep sadness that you carry as you miss Nicky more and more with day that passes. I wish I could take all that pain from you, and it hurts so badly to know I can't. I find myself still having such a hard time believing that this really happened, and I can understand how very difficult it is for you to not have Nicky here. You shared a life full of great memories, and it was much too soon to have to say "Goodbye". I know these memories that brought you so much happiness throughout Nicky's life, are now the very thing that make you saddest - the realization...the loneliness...the devastation of loss of your son who you loved with all your hearts. Of course you want Nicky here with you to talk laugh share a story or an idea or a plan. We all wish that could still be. You will always love Nicky and he will always love you. That will always be. We love our children from the time we first realize that we're carrying them inside us. Throughout their lives we care for them, love them, teach them, and sacrifice for their happiness. God has chosen Nicky and taken him to a place that is happier and more beautiful than we can possibly imagine. This is the ultimate sacrifice for you...the heavy pain of the loss you feel...for the eternal happiness that Nicky now feels. I know this is so very hard. It's not that you don't have faith...YOU DO! You need to allow yourself time to grieve, to accept, to find comfort, to heal. I know it's not easy. Rely on prayer and lean on us to carry you through your burden. Remember, Jesus also needed help to carry his cross. You are in my thoughts and prayers many, many times throughout every day. I know God will bless you so your memories can serve to comfort you. I know you will feel Nicky's presence in some very simple yet intriguing ways. I know this because I believe in God, I believe in angels, and I believe in you!!!!
Sending my hugs and love to you.
   Sue Lienert (Philadelphia, PA)

   May 23, 2008
Thank you to everyone who took the time to write in Nicky's guest book.I still don't have a computer,printer or email address but I'm working on it.These entries keep Nicky alive in our hearts,something which can never be taken from us.Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart.
Barb Pisano
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Barb Pisano

   May 23, 2008
To My Dear Sweet Son Nicky
I miss you so much I can't explain the pain and lonliness my heart feels for you every second of the day.The Lord promises that He will comfort me and I do feel His presence.I'm just missing the heck out of you!!!!!!I watch the door and still expect you to come bouncing through but I know that the Lord opened up His door and that was the door with the eternal prize behind it.Kind of a no brainer huh Nick? I pray that the Lord hugs and kisses you every night and is holding you in the palm of His hand.There were so many people that said the world isn't shining as brightly as it did when you were here with us,but oh you must be shining more brightly than anything we can ever possibly imagine.I love you so much Nick,wait for me and ask the Lord for his mercy upon our family so we may all glorify the Lord and praise Him together on that glorious day when everything about His plan will be revealed to us and His purpose for taking you will be understood.I love you my beautiful Nicky,you are always in my thoughts and heart.Till we meet again,Your loving Mother.HUGS and KISSES XXXXXXX

   May 10, 2008
My dearest family,
Not a day has gone by that I have not shed tears for the loss of Nicky. I know that he is with our Lord. Though I take comfort in that, my heart breaks into pieces as I think of everyone he left behind. I can only imagine the depth of the emptiness you all must feel. I pray that we all can take the emptiness and fill it with God's love, His promises to us and our memories of Nicky so as to create an even stronger bond to God. Let us all take comfort in God's word.
Revelation 21:1-4
(1)Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.(2)I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. (3)And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them and be their God. (4)He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

I love you all very much and I hold you each in my heart.
   Tia Carson (Oaks, PA)
Contact me

   May 8, 2008
Dear Barb, Paul, Pauly, Kristina & Angelyna, Vinnie, Maria, Vincenzo & Vienna, Rachel and Jimmy,
Beginning my morning with a prayer for all of you. May you see Nicky's warm smile and feel his gentle touch in something you do today! Sending my love & big hugs to all of you.
Sue / Aunt Sue
   Sue Lienert (Philadelphia, PA
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
September 13, 2008
Dear Barb: The other day I was at a funeral for my nieces grandfather at Resurection Cementry. I remembered where I sat the other day with you and Renee at Nicky's grave site, so I wanted to stop by say a prayer, and again admire the beautiful arrangement of flowers and pictures you have set there. When I came upon the site, there was Maureen, watering the flowers. How surprised and happy I was to see my best friend there. Life is so busy,and sometimes its so hard to see each other, but how nice it was that we were able to talk alittle bit, and share some time together. When I walked away, I thanked Nicky, because I got to see my best friend,and it was because of him, we both took some time out of our busy lives to honor him, and in return we were able to talk to each other. Barb, I just want to tell you that I pray for your family always, and am here for you always. Love Margaret
   margaret brewster (bensalem, PA)
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
September 11, 2008
Dear Nicky My LOVE
It's been 166 days and nights or 23 wks and 4 days since my life was changed forever but whose counting? I don't feel your presence like I thought I would,but then I believe that means you're at peace and are experiencing sheer joy and happiness where you are in heaven and don't need to be hanging around me.I keep you so close to my heart that I feel smothered at times.Your smell,touch,voice,jokes,hugs,kisses
,laughter are played over and over in my mind.I think ofyou24/7,sometimes with a smile ,most times with a hurricane of tears.Not for you because I know you are happy,but for me and our family because I miss you so so much and I don't feel whole.I never knew what it was to cry everday and night for what is close to 6 months,it is now just a normal part of my days and nights.I still continue to get sympathy cards and encouraging letters from those who love me and miss you also.You had a big effect on many people.The fall is coming,Tia wrote you a beautiful poem but then I know you already know that.I picked up alot of extra time in work as keeping busy is the key to not going crazy along with reading the Bible.Even here though Nick I'm reminded of the times you came to work to borrow the car and stayed to chat a while or the phone calls at 4 in the morning cause I knew you would be up.I look at the moon each night expecting to see your face in it or if it's a quarter moon swinging your leg over the side while laying back maybe thinking up new rap to praise God with.Your grave is kept colorful with beautiful flowers that me and aunt Reenie water at least once a wk,we'll be changing from summer to fall soon and your headstone should be ready by Christmas.Well love,I gotta get back to work so until I write again,I'm hoping to dream of you,which hasn't happened yet,so try to help me out a little in that area okay? With all my Love,Hugs and Kisses Mommy

   August 24, 2008
love u nick!
   joseph schlacter (philly)
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009

   August 23, 2008
Dear Barb, Paul, and Family,

I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking and praying for all of you. I love you and wish that I could ease the sadness you are all feeling. I was just watching some old videos and it was so great to see Nicky's face. May God comfort you and keep you always. Love, Marge
   Marge Hellmuth (Philadelphia, PA)
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   August 23, 2008
As summer is closing
And autumn nears
I look at all the changes
This year, I see through tears

Loved ones have been lost
New family have arrived
Hearts on roller coasters
Hanging on to survive

Change is a part of life
As everybody knows
Good and bad things happen
We bend with the highs and lows

Let us surround ourselves daily
With dear family and friends
Let us give our hearts to God
Knowing we reunite in the end.

   Tia Carson (Oaks, PA)
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Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
August 21, 2008
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   August 8, 2008
Dear Barb, Paul and Pisano Family, I am writing again to tell you all I think of you and pray for you everyday. I read this book very often, and it makes me reflect on how special we all are to each other. Barb you are a very special person, and you have an unbelievable family. God is taking care of you, but I am sure the pain of Nicky being gone is so hard for you and your family. I promise to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers and am honored to be your friend. I will keep in touch, Love Margaret
   Margaret Brewster (Bensalem, PA)
Contact me

   July 28, 2008
To my dear sister Sue
Ever faithful with your love and kind words of encouragement.I look so forward to reading your latest entries that give me such comfort.When you lose someone close to you as you have you can only feel the pain that that loss brings.Your senses are more aware of those around you who have also gone through this unbearable pain that seems to go on forever and ever
Please be assured that Nick's memory remains alive with us daily as he does with you.We know you miss him almost as much as we do for he was that kind of person hard to forget and so lovable that that is what you miss about him.Thanks for the many entries in his fact thank you everyone who wrote and continues to write,it keeps his memory alive and I take pleasure in knowing he is not forgotten in the rush of life.Thank you Jesus for the comfort that you send me daily,for without you I am nothing and nothing matters.with all my love Barb
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009

   July 23, 2008
Dear Barb,
I haven't visited for a while, but I hope you know that I think of you everyday as I pray for all of you. I feel the pain of your broken heart. I hear it in your voice...I feel it in your words…I see it on your face. Your smile, that could always light up an entire room, seems to be erased from your beautiful face.

Precious and loving sister of mine - it is never selfish to feel that you miss one of the most cherished gifts that God has given to you. Your devastating loss bears a pain that He well understands, and that only He can truly heal. Try not to feel discouraged about your thoughts and feelings of sadness and longing...they are a very real part of you and of your great love for Nicky.

In the 16 weeks that have passed, I still have a hard time believing that this could have really happened. The awful pain is the thing that makes it so real. I do understand how unbearably difficult this is for you, and I cry with you for our shared loss of Nicky.

One of my last memories of Nicky was his reply when I asked him if he did anything special for his 25th birthday. Nicky looked at me with that smirking smile of his and said, “Aunt Susie, I do special things every day!” I hugged Nicky and said, “That is such an awesome thing to hear, you look so happy”. I can’t even tell you how many times a day I think of this, as I picture his face!!! It’s a great reminder to me that each ordinary, everyday thing has its own specialness…its own place and time. This very memory, which might seem quite ordinary to someone else, holds for me a special moment in time that I shared with a very special person. Thank you Nicky, for this memory. It’s become my very own part of you that I can cling to.

Sending my love and hugs, trying to help ease your sadness,
   Sue Lienert (Philadelphia, PA)

   July 16, 2008
To my beautiful baby boy nicky
Each day that passes by,I long to hold and kiss you like I used to do and I miss your arms and gentle touch and words that were always so encouraging.I'm having a difficult time without you even though my Lord comforts me each day by letting me know He is in charge and is holding you close.I know it's selfish of me to put a damper on such a joyous new life as yours but I'm not there so I can't possibly imagine your happiness.I just know how sad I am without you.I ask the Lord to help me each day because I feel like I'm dying of a broken heart.Krissy is having the baby sunday July 20th,we all await this blessed event.Yesterday at the cemetary there was an older man who just sat under a tree and it seemed like he was listening to the cd's I was playing I like to think that he felt peace listening to them as I did.Well my beloved son I just wanted to say heh again and tell you how much you are loved and missed.Daddy tries to keep me focused though he misses you tremendously cause after all you were also his brother in the Lord.We all love and miss you more than we can bear at times.Till I write agian HUGS AND KISSES XXXXXXXXXX

Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
October 30, 2008
Dear Nicky
I love you,I miss you I cry for the loss of you everyday.You are in my thoughts always.Lord help me to move on and concentrate on Your perfect will and merciful plan for me and our family.Love always and forever MOMMY
   Barbara Pisano (phila, PA)
Contact me

   October 28, 2008
Dear barb I have been thinking of you and keeping you and your family in my prayers I really miss seeing all of your pictures of nicky and all of our talks I can not wait for late night talks I got to go I just wanted to let you know its not a day that I dont pray for you and you family

Love Kenesha
   Kenesha Coston-McNish (philadelphia, PA)
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
October 17, 2008
hi nick i just moved in to my new house and comcast just left so now i can check my e-mail everything is cool here and i know your smiling down.and i know you are proud of me that i left that old way of life alone i wish you were here with me to see my new life!!! my grilfriend would have adore you i am sorry we did not see each other that much but you know I LOVE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!miss you nick.
   joseph schlacter (philadelphia pa)

   October 15, 2008
I'm sorry I didn't realize I needed to check contact me so people could contact me as I have them.Thanks everyone
   Barbara Pisano (PHILADELPHIA, PA)
Contact me

   October 5, 2008
Dear Nicky,
It's Johnny Bravo again and I just wanted to stop by and let u no that everything is going well with the business and my new house and I wish you were here so bad to see everything but I know your up there watching over everyone and you know whats going on. I really miss you cuz and I need your friendship right now more then ever because I don't have that many REAL friends anymore and you were one of them. Now that your gone, its like another missing piece to my life. I also wanted to let u know that I been reading the word almost everynight before i go to bed thinking of you everytime cuz. May your family and close friends be blessed and watch over them like i know u do. I'll be stopping back soon brother. Peace, and remember between me and you, "The sky is blue."
   John Marino (Philly, PA)
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
October 4, 2008
Dearest Son of mine
I wrote the other day but I don't see it in the guest book.I don't know what happened but I'm writing again.Miss you every day,cry for you every minute,Love you every second.Your God daughter Angelyna loves school as well as Cenzo.They are learning alot about Jesus and God.Remember the memory verses when you were little and went there Nick.I would love to think that is where you got your love for the Lord that and me and daddy trying to teach you.He certainly does take the BEST and there is no doubt that is why He wanted you back.Everyone thinks I'm doing great but those who really know me know better.I wish I could call you,and just chat to know you're doing great. We came to face to face with one of your killers the other day and I couldn't help but just sob away and think if they only knew you they probably would have wanted to hang out with you since you were such a loyal friend and always joking and uplifting people.everyone drew to you like a magnet.Well justice will be served for that I am certain.The Lord is with us always.I love the Lord and He will be me always as You are with Him,which is where I really feel our connection.Well gotta go so LOVE you forever and ever and ever and ever.HUGS AND KISSES INFINFINITY WITH MY UNDYING lOVE MOMMY
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009

   September 15, 2008
Your with GOD now Nick and i don't know if your able to read this, but i know GOD can. Although if you were standing next to me this is what i'd say....
They say to take it day by day but its more like minute to minute. They say it will get easier as time goes on but the fact of you not being here sets in a cold harsh reality that seems to worsen everyday. The sun doesn't seem to shine as bright anymore and the days seem so much longer. It hurts, i hurt. Nothing is the same for me. My mind is all messed up. I feel so many emotions at once. Even when i'm laughing, i'm still crying even when i'm smiling i'm still mourning. I think about you CONSTANTLY. Your beautiful eyes, your smile, your laugh, your words, your smell, your presence, that horrible phone call, that bright white room, the smell of the flowers. I'm all over the place right now , sometimes i still feel like I'm dreaming!!
Yeah, life has to go on and people have to live their lives but mine is so incomplete Nick and i don't ever see it ever being complete with you not here. I don't see anything for me being TRULY happy as it was when you were here. People say "You still have to live your life Rach" but, their ain't much here for me besides our family. This is not my home and nor was it yours. I see the picture GODS giving- that there is some SO MUCH BIGGER and much more IMPORTANT than this world-GOD he is the most important!! So I have to pay close attention, cause the world makes it so easy to be distracted and to think other words.
I love you brother and miss you more then words can express.

your only sister<3
GOD-i know its perfect bliss there but, since i can't please give my brother a hug and a kiss and tell him its from his sister.
   Rachel Pisano (philly, PA)
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
September 15, 2008
Dear Barb,
I think of you often and share your sadness. May you feel and continue to find strength and peace through your days, nights, tears etc.
Love to you and please take care, Pat Dixon Duff
   Pat Duff (Philadelphia, PA)
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   September 15, 2008
hey nick, we just wanted to stop by and say hi! tell u that u live in our hearts forever and every chance we get we keep ure name alive with Giovanni and Denise...Uncle Nicky this Uncle Nicky that!!! you were a warn genuine person and will never be forgotten!! WE LOVE U...until we meet again
   Mike, Gloria, Giovanni and Denise Gangemi (South Philly, PA)
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   September 13, 2008
hello,nick i miss you and i was siting here packing my things geting ready to move and then i got this e mail saying your mom sign the guest book so i looked at what she wrote and i try not to cry but i can not help it. we miss u nick and i love u. please help your mom in the area she needs help with i love you to miss and mr. P. and i will pray for you to.
   joseph schlacter (philly)
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Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
November 22, 2008
we connect thru MOMs website although I don't often answer, I read daily of our interconnected pain. I know with the holidays coming this is an even harder time for us to get thru without our angels here on earth. I pray continually for all the MOMs and hope HE keep you strong.
Kay mom of
Joshua Delaney
   Kay Crawford (Colorado Springs, CO)
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Aunt Sue Tribute March 17, 2009
November 21, 2008
Dear Barb, Paul, Pauly, Kristina, Angelyna, Alyssa, Vinnie, Maria, Vincenzo, Vienna, Rachel and Jimmy,
Reaching out with lots of love and big hugs for all of you. As the holidays arrive, I ‘m sure the loss of Nicky is even more difficult to bear. But you’ll feel his presence, I know. I wanted to share this poem with you. It was written by Ruth Ann Mahaffey, who also wrote "Letter from heaven". I find her words very comforting and I pray this will also bring some form of comfort to you. I'm quite sure these words are very close to those that Nicky speaks to you each day!

"From Your Angel in Heaven"
I see tears fall down your face
When your thoughts have turned to me.
Just know that I’m in heaven,
With my Lord, who’s set me free.
No pain or sadness do I feel,
For God is by my side.
The beauty here in Heaven
Is now where I reside.
I know it’s hard for you to cope
For you can’t feel my touch.
But every moment, I can see
And love you very much.
When you are at your lowest
And feel you can’t go on,
Look towards the heavens
The light will be turned on.
Talk to me, just like you did
On earth when I was there.
You see, I’m not so far away …
Only as far as a prayer.
And when it’s time for you to join
Me up in Heaven above.
It’s then that you will realize,
The Golden Place of love.
For here there is no sadness,
Just everlasting light.
Someday we will be joined again,
When it’s time to take your flight.
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
November 21, 2008
I am so sorry for the loss of your son, May God wrap you in his arms and keep you strong. Please know that you will always be in my prayers. God Bless
Bette, Timmy's mom (MOM's)
   Bette Clark (Philadelphia)
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