A brother loved / Aunt Kathy (aunt)
How painful it must be to lose your dear brother. I know that you all miss him dearly. Over the years you have shared many experiences together. The bond between siblings is a treasure.
I look at some of the photos and am reminded of how Paul Jr and Nicky were always a pair in their childhood days. Paul was proud to be the big brother and you can see the admiration in Nicky's eyes.
And then there were three. Vinny was added to the mix. Now it was Nicky's turn to be a big brother too. They sure kept Barb and Paul on their toes with so much energy. Nicky and Paul taught Vinny the ropes. They did lots of family things together.
With all of the frogs, bugs, dirt, ball playing and rough housing, it was time to add a little sugar to sweeten the mix. And then there were four. Now enters Rachel, the little "doll". She would always have the big brothers looking out for her.
With still so much love to give, Jimmy was born and then there were five. Did you feel smothered, Jimmy with all that love?
Sometimes we take for granted the everyday experiences. They don't always seem to be special moments. Sometimes they are awesome and other times it just seems part of an ordinary day.
To my niece Rachel and nephews Paul, Vinny, and Jimmy, it is obvious that you have shared many of those moments throughout your life together. Wheter it was sitting down together for a meal or watching TV together you have been blessed with those experiences. And yes, maybe there were even times when you argued or disagreed about something. The love you have shared during ordinary day to day living will always keep you together. Keep those memories in your heart forever. God Bless You!
With Love and Peace
Aunt Kathy