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Nicholas Pisano
Born in Pennsylvania
25 years
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Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Middle of the night  / Cousin Tia
It is almost 2 a.m. right now. It is very quiet here. I am up and thinking of you. I remember that sometimes you would visit your mom at work in the middle of the night. As I sit here, I am saying a little prayer that you visit her tonight and give her the hug I wish I could right now. We all miss you.
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Football memories  / Aunt Kathy (aunt)

Well, Super Bowl Sunday has arrived once again. I myself have never really been a big football fan, but I know that I have many memories over the years. I was just looking at the photo of Nicky in a Cowboys football jersey.

Pisano family (or anyone else out there) why not share with us some of your memories of Nicky and football?

Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Those were the days  / Mommy And Daddy (mother and father )  Read >>  
Those were the days  / Mommy And Daddy (mother and father )
I remember all the football practices and games so well Nicky.The time you were like 8 and quarter backing for the s philly cowboys and your coach Steve Porrini saw what kind of games you had been playing and decided instead of you coming in to him for the calls he trusted you to make your own calls.That was unheard of in that age bracket,but he knew you were good at memorizing he called out " Nick make your own calls."All the parents just laughed because they knew this was uncommon. He trusted your judgement.Every game I was constantly telling you to tie your shoes.They were never tied but it didn't matter to you,you had more important things to do.Most times the ref would have to stop the game so you could tie your shoes.You just loved playing the game.And the time when you played for Neuman and insisted that I had to stop and get you a huge breakfast sandwich cause you woke up late and there you were arriving for a big game with shoes untied and eating a breakfast hoagie.I thought the coach was never gonna stop yelling about you're eating before a game.The problem was he was yelling at me.Those times were some of the best I can remember.We were so proud of you.I am reminded of these things as I also remember alot of things didn't matter to you along the way,as long as you were there to run the race that was all that mattered,and my son you have truly won the race.With LOVE ALWAYS mommy XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Every day Memories  / Mommy (mother)  Read >>  
Every day Memories  / Mommy (mother)
Oh my dear Nicky There are some specific memories I have of you but mostly you made memories everyday for me.With your laugh,crooked grin,joking around,hugs,kisses, excitement about a subject you were interested in and mostly your conversations about God.These are what I hold close in my heart.So you see your every day living and my loving you and you me, is what I remember.Simple things that can go unnoticed to many but that I hold dear in my heart and can't explain to anyone else.You really understood people and as your best friend said you were the realist person he knew.Nothing fake about you.Because you loved people you were a smoozer,and everyone loved you for it.So if I had to remember certain things that I could recall about you it would be that you had a heart of gold and one that was very forgiving.With All my Love Always MOMMY XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Hugs and Kisses  / Aunt Kathy (aunt)


One of the things that your mom shared with me one day was the fact that you never would end a disagreement not speaking to one another or angry at one another. She told me that you always would give her a big hug and kiss. Nicky didn't want to fight or argue. He was the peacemaker. How difficult it is for anyone to say they are sorry. So glad that you left your mom with this memory that she can hold deep in her heart and maybe even bring some peace when she feels so blue. We can all learn from your example: Love one another.

Love and Peace

Aunt Kathy

Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Sending our Love  / Laura &. AV Family Of Lisa Maas (Angel Friend )  Read >>  
Sending our Love  / Laura &. AV Family Of Lisa Maas (Angel Friend )
 To the entire Pisano family
We would like to thank you for such a wonderful weekend. We feel like we have been friends forever and have known you our whole life. Everyone made us feel so warm & welcome even those that we didn't get a chance to meet. I look forward to meeting the rest of the family on our next visit together. It breaks our hearts that we had to meet such a wonderful family under such circumstances but we are so glad to have you in our lives now and words could never express how much your friendship means to us...
Leaving was so very difficult for us & when we hugged we felt like we didn't ever want to let go...
Take care of each others as I know that you will and stay strong and until we meet again there is always the phone & email which after this weekend will leave a lot to be desired 
A most heartfelt thank you for everything this weekend and sharing your wonderful family with us....Laura & AV Family of Lisa Maas
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
A brother loved  / Aunt Kathy (aunt)  Read >>  
A brother loved  / Aunt Kathy (aunt)

How painful it must be to lose your dear brother. I know that you all miss him dearly. Over the years you have shared many experiences together. The bond between siblings is a treasure.

I look at some of the photos and am reminded of how Paul Jr and Nicky were always a pair in their childhood days. Paul was proud to be the big brother and you can see the admiration in Nicky's eyes.

And then there were three. Vinny was added to the mix. Now it was Nicky's turn to be a big brother too. They sure kept Barb and Paul on their toes with so much energy. Nicky and Paul taught Vinny the ropes. They did lots of family things together.

With all of the frogs, bugs, dirt, ball playing and rough housing, it was time to add a little sugar to sweeten the mix. And then there were four. Now enters Rachel, the little "doll". She would always have the big brothers looking out for her.

With still so much love to give, Jimmy was born and then there were five. Did you feel smothered, Jimmy with all that love?

Sometimes we take for granted the everyday experiences. They don't always seem to be special moments. Sometimes they are awesome and other times it just seems part of an ordinary day.

To my niece Rachel and nephews Paul, Vinny, and Jimmy, it is obvious that you have shared many of those moments throughout your life together. Wheter it was sitting down together for a meal or watching TV together you have been blessed with those experiences. And yes, maybe there were even times when you argued or disagreed about something. The love you have shared during ordinary day to day living will always keep you together. Keep those memories in your heart forever. God Bless You!

With Love and Peace  

Aunt Kathy

Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Special Valentine  / Aunt Kathy

Thinking of you, Nicky. As Valentine's Day approaches, we are surrounded by hearts.  Love is in the air. Can you feel all of this love, Dear Nicky? Everyone misses you so. Wrap your love around them tightly. I always cherished the Valentine's cards and hand made gifts that my own children and grandchildren would make for me.

Barb and Paul- do you remember some of those specially made cards or gifts? Were any of them particularly cute or funny? Close your eyes and visualize one of those special moments. May it bring a smile to your heavy heart and may you feel tons of love wrapped around you.

With love and Peace


Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
I hope you dance!!!  / Aunt Sue (Aunt)  Read >>  
I hope you dance!!!  / Aunt Sue (Aunt)

"...When you get the choice to sit it out or dance, 
            I hope you dance!!!
            I hope you dance!!! "

Nicky NEVER sat it out...


Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Nicky  / Tina Hensel (Aunt)

Just wanted to stop and say Happy Birthday to you Nicky!  Hope you are planning a giant celebration up in heaven.  We all miss you

Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
SMILE / Kathy Palilonis (aunt)
Just looking at some of the photos again. I am stuck on S1P16. I couln't help but SMILE with you Nicky. Please send your contagious SMILE right back down here for your mom, dad, brothers and sister. They miss you so much, just as we all do. Love to you.
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICKY  / Mag Muoio (angel friend )  Read >>  
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICKY  / Mag Muoio (angel friend )
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
It's Your Birthday!  / Laura &. AV Family Of Lisa Maas (Angel Friends )

Happy Birthday Nicky  / Laura &. AV Family Of Lisa Maas (Angel Friends )  Read >>
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Birthday Wish  / Jim's Mom Shirley

Nicky wishing you a Happy Heavenly Birthday, save a Birthday Dance for Mom tonight. Let your Angel light shine brightly down on Mom and Family today they miss you so.

Jim's Mom Shirley

Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Happy Birthday  / Maria Rodriguez   Read >>  
Happy Birthday  / Maria Rodriguez
Happy Birthday in Heaven Nicky, Love and Miss you.
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
On your birthday  / Gerrick's Mom Diane

Nicky, Happy Birthday! I know you will be with your mom and family today Angel. Love to you and your mom, family, friends and everyone who loves and misses you.

Love from Gerrick's mom, Diane

Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Happy Birthday  / Chrissy Dachille (friend)
Happy Birthday Nicky, Hope you have a big party going on up in heaven with everyone thats up there with you. Make sure you pass by your mom's house to be with her on your day too. Miss ya Chrissy
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
HAPPY 26th BIRTHDAY NICKY!  / Reenie Fragale (Aunt)  Read >>  
HAPPY 26th BIRTHDAY NICKY!  / Reenie Fragale (Aunt)

Like your mother, I too can remember the day of your birth. There was a question of when you were due, so we (the family) had been waiting every day for a couple of weeks for your mom to go into labor. These days almost everyone knows what sex a baby will be before the big day but I must admit that I think half the fun was in the anticipation. I was so happy when the day finally arrived! I was so excited; rushing around the OB dept. and telling all my friends and coworkers that my sister was here and I was going to be an aunt again. Your mom was a real trooper and your father was right in there with her giving support and love throughout the day.Remember Barb? Pant,pant,blow,pant, pant ,blow. Thank you Lord for the intervention of epidural anesthesia! Then early evening came and your time had come. Barb and Paul had become the loving parents of a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful ,beautiful boy!!!! You had that white vernix covering your skin and you were littler than we expected. I guess you weren't overdue after all.  Even through her exhaustion I could see how happy your mother was to add you to her life. The phone calls went out. It's a boy! 6lbs. 13 oz .  I had the privledge of giving your your first bath in the nursery. Let me tell you, you always did clean up well! Your skin was so soft, your complexion was rosy, but mostly I remember what a perfectly round head you had.You were a gift from God and although your season on earth was short, it was colorful. I always think of your little impish face and smile because I know my life is better for having known you. I'll keep the memory of you with me always. Happy Birthday to you... May the dear Lord bless you... May the dear Lord bless Nicky, Happy Birthday to you!      God bless and keep your family united and strong.

Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nicky  / Aunt Kathy (aunt)  Read >>  
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nicky  / Aunt Kathy (aunt)

Thank you Lord for sharing Nicholas Pisano with family and friends for 25 years. We know that he is is wrapped in your loving arms and surrounded by eternal love. Although he is not here on earth to celebrate another year with us, we trust in the power of your love. And while he is greatly missed, we are comforted by the knowledge that he resides with you in eternal peace- no gift could be greater.


Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Happy Birthday, Nicky!  / MARGE HELLMUTH (Aunt)

Happy Birthday, Nicky!  We love and miss you!!!

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