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Nicholas Pisano
Born in Pennsylvania
25 years
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margaret (mckenna)brewster Love to you all April 1, 2009

To the Pisano Family:  Today I write to you to let you know you were all in my thoughts and prayers yesterday.  Nicky was a special guy, you can know that through his tribute, just remember he is with Jesus, and they will help you. One year has passed without Nicky, but he will always be in your hearts.  Take Care of each other and I will continue to pray for peace and strength for all of you, With loving thoughts, Margaret


Denise Kneale Your 1st Angelverysary Nicky March 31, 2009

Dear Nicky, Please stay close to your precious family, whispering in their ears of your love, peace and strength.  A candle burns next to me in memory.

Love and Blessings Denise mum to James and Daniel. xxx


~ Angels are Weeping ~

I hear the angels weeping.
I see their heads bow'd low.
Their wings surround
Those brok'n-heart'd,
So wound'd by this FOE!

I see the angels huddl'd
Near a mother, in such pain,
Because the child
She searches for
May ne'er be found again.

I hear the brush of angel's wings,
So near they are to you.
GOD sent them there
To minister for these
Trials you're going through.

I hear the angels saying,
"Brave ONES, don't let hope die.
GOD will ne'er leave
Nor forsake you.
On this YOU CAN Rely!!!"

Aunt Sue Broken Hearts March 31, 2009

 Our hearts are broken without you, Nicky. Our world just doesn't seem right, and hasn't since you were taken from us.  Praying for healing of broken hearts and shattered dreams and that we will all share peace together.  We miss you and love you always.  Rest peacefully, my dear Nicky. Sending a cloud of HUGS!!!

Jim's Mom Shine on Nicky March 31, 2009


Shine on Nicky you are Mom's shining star.


Kathy & George Palilonis I Can Only Imagine March 31, 2009

To the Pisano Family:

Know that your friends and family are with you today. Feel the love wrapped around you and let it comfort you. Our humaness will only let us feel the intense pain and sadness of the loss of your dear Nicky. May the goodness and presence of our Lord surround all of us, reminding us that Nicky is resting in peace.

I can only imagine Nicky walking with the Lord by his side this day, surrounded by His Glory, singing Alleluia and dancing for His Jesus.

Love and Peace to all of you.

Kathy and George

Mommy Missing You March 31, 2009
Dearest son of mine  One year ago today our lives changed forever and we will never be the same.You touched many lives and it was never so apparent as when you died.The loss of you is overwhelming and I hope and pray no one else feels this but I know that isn't possible as many go through it daily.I ask God to give them the strength to accept this cross and call on the Lord daily for help and guidance.I don't know where I would be right now without the help of the Lord,my family and the MOMS.Thank you for sending all of them to me to help me grow stronger.This is a particularly bad day and I'm sure that there are going to be many many more but keep shining bright my little star and I will see and feel the love you always had for me and our family.Sadly missed,greatly loved your mommy XXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO ALWAYS
Nicky Nicky Tribute March 23, 2009
Merry Christmas Nicky!  / Katie Fragale (Cousin)
Hey Nick….Merry Christmas! It’s been a rough year without you. Sometimes I feel selfish because I want you to be here with us again, celebrating Christmas and ringing in the new year, while you are actually celebrating with the birthday boy himself. Initially I was not going to write to you on this website because the idea kind of weirded me out that my personal thoughts and conversation with you were just loitering around in cyberspace somewhere and not reaching your eyes and ears in heaven. I was in my mom’s room as she was on the site and the soundtrack was playing “Beautiful Boy” (one of the songs on your “In Memory of Nicholas Pisano” video). I hurried out of the room when I heard it because I did not want to be reminded of the pain and depression that I and the rest of the family have gone through because we lost you. But then I slept on it and woke up at 3:00 am to completely change my logical reasoning and decide to write to you. Christmas is not only celebrating the birth of Christ, but being grateful for what we have (or don’t have). I am grateful that I was able to share 20 years of my life with you, because there are so many others who won’t be as fortunate to even meet you, let alone cherish memories of you. Your time here on earth was cut short, but that does not mean the impression you left was anything but huge. Look over your family during the holidays, and God give them strength because they’ve been so strong thus far, but they might need a little guidance. Everyone said that 2008 was an awful year, and they are just ready for it to be over and be 2009 already. At first I agreed, but now I have to disagree. Aside from the tragic circumstances, 2008 was a year celebrating and remembering your life on earth.

Nicky, we did not lose you; it’s just that God found you. I miss you. I love you forever and always. Merry Christmas!!

Love, Katie
Nicky Nicky Tribute March 23, 2009
Merry Christmas 2008  / LeeAnn Rinder (A mother tht understands!! )

Merry Chrsitmas to you!

What a beautiful son.

Thinking of you during the holidays..

Lee Ann mother of Matthew

Nicky Nicky Tribute March 23, 2009
Bear hugs and memories  / Sue Lienert (Aunt)
Wednesday was Rachel's birthday and I was remembering her 21st Birthday surprise party last year. I was standing outside waiting to go in, when I saw Nicky in the distance. It was a bitter cold night and Nicky was wearing a hoodie. I began to walk toward him to give him a hug and kiss… then I thought…What if that’s not Nicky!!  I couldn’t see his face real good between the hoodie and the darkness. I called out “Hey Nicky!!” He called back, “Hey Aunt Susie” as he picked up his pace toward me. When he reached me he gave me one of those famous, well loved Pisano bear hugs – the kind that really makes you feel loved (and warm)!
Bear hugs to all of you…in Nicky’s honor and our memories with him.
Nicky Nicky Tribute March 23, 2009
Sweet Tea & Sweet Memories  / Aunt Sue (Aunt)

Hi Nicky, Today is Aunt Sissy's and Grandmom McCann's birthday. Picturing you with them...drinking tea with "tons of sugar in it". Holding on tight to sweet, sweet memories! Love and Lots of Hugs, Aunt Sue

Christmas / Cousin Tia Carson (cousin)  Read >>  
Christmas / Cousin Tia Carson (cousin)
Thinking of you as I sit here with my mom. We made lots of cookies as we try to prepare for Christmas. It makes me think of how hard Christmas is when you are missing someone you love. I am sending my love and prayers as well as hugs to all. Miss you Nick! Close
thanking you  / Mommy (mother)  Read >>  
thanking you  / Mommy (mother)
Dear Nicky Did you get Lisa's snowman?Isn't it cool?Help me to figure out how to send something to her.Thanks for guiding me to the MOMS site I have met so many beautiful caring informative MOMS there.Thanks for Charlie and AVLAURA who are checking daily to see that the site will be a beautiful tribute to you.Everyone misses you Nick but every time I read the Bible I feel you close to me saying mom everything is alright.Thank you Jesus for taking care of my baby and holding him in the palm of your hand.Love always and foreverMOMMY
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Merry Christmas  / Kathy/George Palilonis (aunt/uncle)

Thinking of all of Nicky's family and friends that are sadly missing him, especially this Christmas season. Let us pray for Peace on Earth and goodwill toward men. May our fondest memories of you fill the emptiness in our hearts.

Nicky tribute March 17, 2009
For Barb  / Joann McGettigan (friend)  Read >>  
For Barb  / Joann McGettigan (friend)

Your father listens for footsteps on the street

that are not there.

Your mom can't see you smile, hear your voice or

touch your hair.

Your brothers ache.

Your sister cries.

Your friends still can't help but wonder why.

But now you know that the time will come

when you will take us by our hands

and together we will kiss the face of God.

Rest in peace, sweet baby boy, Nicky!

May God comfort and bless the Pisano and Hensel family.

Joy and Love in 2009,

Joann McGettigan

Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
NEW YEAR 2009  / Reenie FRAGALE (AUNT)  Read >>  
NEW YEAR 2009  / Reenie FRAGALE (AUNT)

Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?    Should old acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne?    

For auld lang syne my dear, for auld lang syne,                            We'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.                           


Thinking of our dearest Nicky in the New Year 2009 with love and longing for days gone by. I will never forget the handsome and loving man he was. His amusing wit drew people toward him and his genuine personality was the endearing quality that captivated our hearts. Although his life on earth was cut short, Nicky affected the lives of many people. Even now, his actions have left an impact on our lives. For that, I am grateful. May 2009 bring us peace and comfort and hopefully some joy in our saddened hearts.  I drink my first cup of tea in the morning in memory of you.        


Always in my thoughts,

                                              Aunt Reenie

Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
My thoughts  / Cousin Tia   Read >>  
My thoughts  / Cousin Tia
    Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. Tears are still in my eyes. Facts that I know in my head but can't bear to let my heart feel sometimes. I want to honor you. The best way I can think of is to relay my thoughts.
     I was just thinking about when your family took me to the Poconos over 20 years ago. I was 12 and you were 4. I remember playing on the playground with you. In great detail I remember sitting by the side of the pool and you studying this beetle that you rescued from the water. I realize this next part may sound bad but it really isn't. After a little while, you ripped the wings off the beetle. I asked you why you would do that (gotta say I was grossed out). You told me that you loved it and never wanted it to leave you. I was 12, so I think I said something about not hurting the things you love or something like that. This story has been in the forefront of my mind since you died. I have thought about it and I believe I have a reason why.  I think you got your wings. You were released from this earthly body. Now it sucks for those of us who have to see you go but for you...for you, you are free and whole. Enjoy your wings!

Love Ya!
Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
An awesome lesson  / Kathy Palilonis (aunt)  Read >>  
An awesome lesson  / Kathy Palilonis (aunt)

I was just browsing some of the photos of Nicky on this memorial site. I was looking at one in particular was taken in the Pisano kitchen on Bancroft Street. It brings to mind an especially endearing moment of Nicky as a young child; he couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old at the time. Nicky burned his entire hand on the range top. I remember Barb calling me on the phone in a panic to ask me what she should do. I remember hearing Nicky in the background actually praying out loud to the Lord to be with him.  I was so in awe of this incredible experience that I have never forgotten that moment. It was incredible to me to realize that this young child had a connection with the Lord that many adults will never realize in their lifetime.

I suspect that Nicky called upon his Lord often to be with him. There are so many times that we may question why God allows bad things to happen to us or to those around us. Nicky, as a young child, was able to focus on asking the Lord to stay with him during his time of need instead of asking why it happened. Is that awesome or what?

There is no doubt in my mind that Nicky called upon his Lord once again during his last moments and I can visualize Nicky being cradled in the arms of his Lord.

I will remember this experience about you as I have many times over the years and I thank you dear nephew Nicky for reminding me to trust in God's plan and for reminding me that He will always be there for us when we call to Him.

With love and appreciation,

Aunt Kathy

Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009

To my dear sister Barbara, husband Paul, nephews Paul, Vinny, Jimmy and niece Rachel

There is nothing that I can say or do that will ease your pain. Yes, I do believe that at times the pain must feel like you are being swallowed up. I would even suspect that when you look around you it may seems as if everyone is moving on and enjoying life. How can that be when you are in so much pain? How can they laugh and have fun and celebrate when you are screaming inside how much you miss your dear Nicky? Remember that life isn't always what it seems on the outside. Know in your heart that your beloved Nicky will not be forgotten. His memory will be kept alive, whether it be through photographs, reminiscing, or funny stories. As you and your children share stories and snipits, we will know more about what was special about Nicky, things we may never have known.

Sadly, there is a lot that I did not know about your Nicky. Of course there are many memories from when the kids were younger, at family gatherings, but I did not have as many opportunities to interact with Nicky as he grew into adulthood. Lives get busy and hectic; they have their own agenda and we have different schedules. There is no doubt about it-we take life for granted. We expect that there will be time tomorrow.

During this process of grieving, you may find that you are at different stages at different times. Grieving is an individual experience. Support one another with all the love in your heart.  If you need to cry, its OK. If you need to reminisce, its OK. If you need to be alone, its OK. If you need someone to talk to, its OK. Just know that whatever you need on any given day, at any time of day, your family and friends are there for all of you.

We love you!


Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Tell us more about Nicky  / Kathy Palilonis (aunt)  Read >>  
Tell us more about Nicky  / Kathy Palilonis (aunt)

I was sitting here thinking about the Pisano family. It seems to me  that this website has been a comfort to you, most especially to Barb. Whether one just reads or posts, it provides those who were a part of Nicky's life an outlet for grief and supports an opportunity for expression of love and reminiscing. As you continue your daily struggle with the emotional and physical pain over the loss of your Nicky, I pray that the Lord will comfort you with each kind word in Nicky's memory. Just to know that at any given moment someone other than you is thinking about Nicky and remembering something about him must comfort you in some way - to know that he is not forgotten in our busy hectic lives. It is good to talk about the people that we love.

I was reflecting on what I wrote the other day and was thinking that maybe the Pisano family (and of course others) could share with us some of their special memories about Nicky as well as little snipits about him that we may not have known.

I look forward to whatever you are willing to share with us.

With Love and Peace


Nicky Tribute March 17, 2009
Grace of God  / Marge Hellmuth (Aunt)
I got an email from Dawn a couple of weeks ago that read "The will of God will not take you where the grace of God will not protect you." While I know that you are in a far better place with God, it is so difficult for those of us left behind.  I am so grateful for the strong faith that your mom and dad have in our Lord.  May He carry us all through this tragic loss.  I pray for you every day.  I love you and miss you!
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