Do not believe that I'm dead and gone
I want you to know that in spirit I live on
Never weep when you gaze at that one empty chair
Don't you know that quite often I come and sit there
I still know when you're ill
Or when you have a bad day
I am only a whisper or a heartbeat away
For I still walk where you walk
I still hold your hand
My footprints aren't there when you walk through the sand
But my voice can be heard in the sound of the sea
Or in a child's laughter when it's bounced on your knee
You can hear me when a cool breeze rustles through flowers
Or in the tree tops that bend with the first evening showers
I whisper to you in the still of the night
If you could but see me you would know I'm alright
So search with your eyes
You may glimpse me one day
As I stand there and watch little children at play
I'm the light in the window
I'm the snowflake that falls
I'm the shadow in the moonlight
I'm the night bird that calls
My spirit lives on although my earth time is done
I'm still part of the earth
I'm lit by the sun
So smile for me please
I don't want you to grieve
I'm well and I'm strong
I didn't really leave
When your time comes to go
The last thing you'll see
Is my smile as I whisper "You're coming to me"
For death isn't final
As you close your eyes
There's a light far more brighter than blue summer skies
I'll lead you towards it
Our loved ones are there
Laughing and strong
Free of all earthly care
I've been patiently waiting for you to pass through
For death simply means "Reunited with you"
Author Unknown
Missing You at Christmas
You've gone to live with Jesus,
But I miss you quite a lot
And think about you often,
My heart tied in a knot.
Though I miss you all the time
Christmas season is the worst
I see many happy people
While my heavy heart could burst.
I look upon the Christmas tree
Its lights all aglow
And wish you were here to share it
That you hadn't had to go.
But as I think about it
I can't remain so sad
For you are there in glory,
With every reason to be glad.
I sing a Christmas carol
And feel you hold my hand
As you did when you were present
In this far off distant land.
I lay a special gift for you
Beneath the Christmas tree,
Then I will take it out and give it
To some hurting soul like me.
How can I be sad that you are gone
When you are full of joy,
And worship Him in person,
God's perfect baby boy.
The love you gave is present
And always comforts me;
It warms my life and fills my heart
With wonderful memories.
Christmas is a pleasant time
Of peace and joy and love,
I know we'll still share it
When I join you above.
So, my love, I'll dry my eyes
And wipe away the tears,
For I'll be with you again
At the end of all my years.
This lovely Christmas season,
I'll be strong for you this year,
as you look down from Heaven,
I'll count my blessings dear.
love you Nicky and love you Barb xoxoxo Melinda

Christmas In Heaven
I see the countless Christmas trees, around the world below, With tiny lights, like heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow.
This sight is so spectacular, please wipe away that tear, For I am spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs, that people hold so dear, But the sound of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here. For I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring, For it's beyond description to hear an angel sing.
I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart, But I am not so far away, we are really not apart.
So be happy for me, dear ones, you know I hold you dear, And be glad I'm spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.
I send you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above, I send you each a memory, of my undying love.
For after all "Love" is the gift, more precious than pure gold, It was always most important, in the stories Jesus told.
So please love and help each other, as my Father said to do, For I cannot count the blessings, or the love He has for you.
So have a Merry Christmas, and wipe away that tear, For I am spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.
I can't tell you of the splendor, or the peace here in this place, Can you imagine Christmas, with our Savior, face to face?
I'll ask Him to lift your spirit, as I tell Him of your love, So then pray for one another, as you lift your eyes above.
So please let your hearts be joyful, and let your spirits sing, For I am spending Christmas in heaven, and I'm walking with the King!