God's Love
With each morning's sunrise,
The message shines right through.
He whispers softly in my ear
Those sweet words, "I love you!"
In the song of nature's singing,
In the quiet summer breeze,
With the crackling of the thunder,
Through the baby's gentle sneeze,
Can be found His love and goodness;
Through everything that is,
He tells us that He loves us
And that we are truly His.

In my heart and in my being,
In every thought I think,
The thing of which I'm certain is
That He will not forsake.
His love's in every part of life;
His love is there to share.
Grab handfuls and then toss them
For it's up to us to share.
God's love is ever growing,
Sent daily from above.
In everything I say or do,
It's only through His love.