Dear Barb , I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and your sweet angel . I hope your Easter is wonderful ..And Nicky stay close to your mom and watch over her always !! love you both always !!!

Precious Nicky, I'm so sorry about your other graphic that I made for your Angelversary. The computer kept kicking me out, it's working now for awhile. Thinking of you & your beuatiful mom today & always. Love & hugs ♥
Precious Nicky, I am so sorry I missed your Angelversary! I know you are free to dance around on the streets of gold with our Lord and Savior. On the wings of a snow white dove, He sent His sweet love.
Barb, I know God is watching over our loved ones. I know justice will be done for Nicky. It has been a long journey for you, but soon the sweet winds of justice will blow softly but surely. Thank you for your friendship and kindness. We all know the pain and heart ache of grief.
May God make His face to shine upon you.
I wrote you a poem my son for your angelversary
When Asked
When asked "What I'm thinking"
My answer: " It will always be YOU"
When asked "How I'm doing"
My answer: "My heart is broken in two"
When asked for "advice"
My answer: "Love like there is no tomorrow"
When asked of my "Memories"
My answer: "I smile through sorrow"
When asked "How do I manage to cope?"
My answer: " I will always and forever thrive on Hope"
When asked how I feel about "Our Lord up above"
My answer: "He is the creator of perfect Love"
When asked "How much I miss you",I have no answer for this
There are no words to describe it,so I'll blow you this kiss
We miss you and love you so much Nicky

Thinking of you on your Angel Day Sweet Nicky. You will always be in my heart and always missed by your family and friends. Watch over your mom & family and let them feel you near, we miss our babies so much, but knowing one day that we will meet again brings hope. With all my love to you Barb & family - Bette, Joey, Matt and my angel Timmy.