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Nicholas Pisano
Born in Pennsylvania
25 years
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Mommy to dearest Nicky
This is your Thurs message.Stay close to Justin and his family today as they celebrate his birthday.Love and kisses and hugs.8/13
Mommy to dearest Nicky
This is your wed message: our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy you always.happy birthday to bro vinny.xxoo 8/12
Mommy to dearest Nicky
This is your Tues message.I can't stop loving and missing you,so I won't.Love U always and forever and a day. 8/11
Mommy to dearest Nicky
This is your Monday message,Nicky.Love one another as you would love yourself.Love You always 8/10
Mommy to dearest Nicky
Well here is your Sunday message Nicky.This is the day that the Lord hath made,we will rejoice and be glad in it.XXXXOOOOO 8/9
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Good night Nicky and send sweet dreams of u to ur family. B w/ur family at the beach Angel. ((Barb))
Have a lovely time with your beautiful grand children.God bless them & you dear*Barb*.
*Yannick* n*Jay*Fraser
08/08/2009 *Grand Mama n Grand Papa 2*Patrick Jay* May God bless your heavenly sleep to night.*Nicky*
AV & Laura family to Lisa Maas
Hey Nicky..stay close to Mom/Kids while they r at the beach..they w/b thinkin of u the whole time angel..ur so luvd & missed..
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Sweet Nicky,I hope your having a wonderful day in Heaven with all your angel friends.Love & hugs to you & ur precious mom.♥
Jim's Mom
Hey Nicky I know U know this but gotta say it anyway. U Have a Great Mom. We all love her bunches. Shine on Nicky
Con't Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Going be careful and Nicky will watch over u all..Have a safe trip..Sorry on the first candle I spell Angie wrong..Love to u all..
Louise-Grandma 2 Anhie Robert
Barb T.Y.for the beautiful Graphic it is so nice of ur Grandchildren..Have a nice vacation and I will keep Nicky's candles
Mommy to dearest Nicky
Good morning handsome.Getting ready to go on vacation,wish you were here,knowing how much you love the beach.Love, miss U always.
Waylon's mom
Happy Saturday Nicky! Watch over the family as they travel. Be with them and enjoy the fun! Sending you lots of love!xoxoxoxoxoxox
Helena. Mum of angel Hannah Card.xx.
Beyond the sun and starry skies, lives an Angel smart and wise, sending us love from Heaven above, wiping the tears from our eyes.
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
No matter how life changes~No matter what we do~A special place within our hearts~Is always kept for you..{{Hugs}}
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Precious Angel, As you were you will always be,Treasured forever in our memory. Love & hugs! ♥
mom 2 Waylon
Good night Nicky! Have sweet dreams! Sending my love 2 u and ur mom! xoxoxoxox's
*Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
God is so big he can cover the whole world with his love n so small he can curl up inside your heart.*Nicky*.
Lupe Lopez ~Gabe's mom~
Good morning Nicky, I lite this candle N ur memory, ur 4ever N my prayers & N my heart. Hugs 2 all who love & miss U.
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
Constantly loved, ever remembered Ever in our thoughts.May your day be filled with heavenly beauty! ((Barb))
Melissa Eiler
Though we may not see Him, though we may hear Him. God is always with us. Keeping you always in my prayers. HUGS!
Helena. Mum of angel Hannah Card.xx.
If I could reach out and catch a star, I would put it in my heart so your never very far.xxxxx.
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
As u hold me close in memory, even tho we r apart, my spirit will live on there within ur heart. ((Barb))
mom 2 Waylon
I lit this candle so that we Might bring them here awhile As we remember their bright flame Their laughter and their smiles
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
In memory's lovely garden where remembered joy blooms fair,your memory,dearest Nicky,is the brightest bloom there. ♥
*Patrick Jay*GdMama
In difficult moments,seek God.In quiet moments, worship God.In painful moments ,trust God.Every moment thank God.God bless *Nicky*
Donna Mom to Angie-Robert
Hi Handsome, hope your having a blast with all your Angel Friends. Ur Mom and I wd have a blast if we cd go visit u and Angie HUGS
MOMMY to Dearest Nicky
Hey Baby.We are all sitting here watching adorable Vienna & your beloved dog Bella.She loves her.Wish U were here.XO
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
So hard to live without our Angels..One day we will all be together in Heaven with our Angels and God by are side always..
Lupe Lopez ~Gabe's mom~
A silent thought a secret tear, keeps ur memory ever dear, God took U home, it was His will, but in our hearts U live still. Hugs
Bette - Timmy Clark's mom
'What the caterpillar perceives is the end, to the butterfly is just the beginning' Fly High Sweet Angel. ♥ ♥ ♥
Dessa Smith Joseph's mom
Forever with the Angels………. Always in our hearts. xoxoxo
Helena. Mum of angel Hannah Card.xx.
Love and hugs to you and your precious Angel, thankyou for always keeping my Angel in your thoughts. Love Helena.xxxxx.
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Lighting this candle as a reminder that u are 4ever in my heart & looking 4ward 2 being in the light of the Lord with you
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