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Soutien du chagrin
Nicholas Pisano
Né àPennsylvania
25 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Margaret Buonpane
Stopping by to say that I'm thinking of you and you are always in my thoughts and prayers! ~♥♥♥~
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^Dino Raponi
A little tribute small and tender just to say you precious Nicholas will always be remembered, loved and missed. (((Barbara)))
Jo-Ann Pacenta~Lauren's mom
When we lose someone we love, the pain never entirely departs, rather it becomes a part of us, tucked away in r hearts ((hugs))
Mary Hand
Sunshine passes, shadows fall. Love's remembrance outlasts all, And though the years be many or few, They are filled with remembrance of you.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Jesus is the light for our peace and the hope to reunite with our loved ones as we reach heaven one by one into that eternal life.
Grma-Louise To Angie Robert
Nicky a candle is lit for all u Angels above and ur loving families..May God watch over us all this beautiful weekend..{Barb}
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May your heavenly light shine brighter than bright, lighter than light.May your beautiful spirit be more alive than life. Miss you
Margaret Buonpane
Memories of You fill our minds like thousands of Bright Stars in the sky.
Grandmother To Angie Robert
Nicky u are loved and missed so much~I'm sure u are glowing over all of us~you did'nt want anybody to be sad..
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
To Remember is Painful.To forget is Impossible.I wish you a glorious night in God's home with all His Holy Angels cuddling you
Grandmother To Angie Robert
You will always be a special Angel~u were so special not only to ur family~but to all who got to know u since u became an Angel..
Mary Hand
Thinking of you, Sending Love and Hugsxxx
Grandmother To Angie
A candle is lit from me to u to let u know I'm thinking of u sweet Angel tonight..Sending hugs ur way..God Bless {{Barb}}
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May the light of your love burn brightly in our hearts, souls. May our prayers always comfort you with God's peace and glory.
Mary Hand
Precious forever are memories of You✿Today,Tomorrow and all life throug✿Wherever we are and whatever we Do✿ We shall always Love and remember You.
Grma-Louise To Angie
Thinking of you sweet Angel and may you have sweet dreams of ur wonderful family..Have a nice weekend..God Bless
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
With love, I send a warm blanket to keep you safe; a soft pillow with my prayers to comfort you with eternal peace, light. Miss U
Margaret Buonpane
Those we love can never be more than a thought apart, for as long as there is a memory, they live on in our heart.
Con't Grma To Angie
Love ur page Nicky it is so beautiful u are so handsome in ur picture..Barb u did a nice job on it hope u are feeling better..Hugs
Grma-Louise To Angie
Nicky you had a smile for everyone,you had a heart of gold,you left the sweetest memories the world could ever hold..
Grma-Louise To Angie
Thoughts and prayers are with u on this Easter Monday Nicky..Hope ur Easter Sunday was just great..God Bless {Barb}
Mary Hand
Happy Easter, Love and Hugs to you and your family...
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Happy Easter Nicholas to u and ur wonderful family. Help all the little Angels find their eggs but don't help eat them. LOL
Con't Grma To Angie
Happy Easter Nicky have a beautiful day with God and the Angels close by your side..Enjoy ur day with Angie tomorrow..Hugs
Grma-Louise To Angie
Nicky my thoughts will be with u and ur family for Easter Sunday..Happy Easter Barb to u and all ur family..Love~Hugs
Michael Miller's Mom~Gail~
There is nothing more stronger than the bond between a mother and her precious son. Nicholas stay close to your mom she needs you.
Grma-Louise To Angie
Just stopping by to light a candle for you Nicky and to say good night..Hope u have some beautiful dreams..God Bless {{Barb}}
Ada ~ mom of Angel Jacob Cruz
Your life was a blessing your memory A treasure. You are loved beyond words & missed beyond measure ❤
Mary Hand
♥✞♥ Our memories of you are forever ✞ from our thoughts you’re never far away ✞ you are so very special ✞ and that’s the way you’ll stay ✞ all my love ♥✞♥
Margaret Buonpane
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose...all that we love deeply becomes a part of us
Family of Lisa Maas
You know ur always in r ♥'s & never 4gotten Nicky so we're lighting this candle in ur memory...All r ♥ to ur family ♥
Grma-Louise To Angie
Could not forget a special Angel on his Angelversary..May you rest in the arms of Jesus..Thinking of ur sweet Mom on this sad day.
Uncle George
Thinking of you, Nicky and lighting this candle for you and your family. You are missed very much.
Jasmine Palilonis
I only remember u cuz Nicky from what my mommom tells me. U were taken too soon. We are sending prayers and luv for u and family
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Remembering Nicky n lightiing this candle in his lovig memory. This candle is filled w/so much love. RIP ((((((Barb)))))) xo
Jeffrey Palilonis
Remembered in our hearts forever. Miss you, cuz
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