Nicholas Pisano - Online Memorial Website

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Nicholas Pisano
Born in Pennsylvania
25 years
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To every thing there is a season,and a time to every purpose under the heaven:A time to be born,and a time to die;a time to plant,and a time to pluck up that which is planted;A time to kill,and a time to heal;a time to break down,and a time to build up;A time to weep,and a time to laugh;a time to mourn,and a time to dance.A time to cast away stones,and a time to gather stones together;a time to embrace,and a time to refrain from embracing:A time to get,and a time to lose;a time to keep and a time to cast away:A time to rend,and a time to sew;a time to keep silence,and a time to speak: A time to love,and a time to hate;a time of war,and a time of peace.ECCLESIASTES CHAPTER 3:1-8 GOD






 Christmas 2011


This time of year should be happy and gay

But for me, it’s just another painful day


You’re not here dear Nicky, how can things be right


I think of you morning,noon and night


Wishing my present this Christmas year


Would be you standing next to me, oh so near


To touch your face, kiss your cheek,and hug you tight


Never, ever, would I let you out of my sight


I must be content with the memories you’ve left in my heart


And dream dreams, where there we are never apart


Missing you more than words could say


Celebrate with Jesus and tell Him I said


"Happy Birthday"


Love Mommy


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

forever missed by your family and friends 

Christmas 2009

 To my Dearest Nicky
Good morning and Merry Christmas eve my son.I wrote a little poem for you and put it in the review here it is:

"Merry Christmas" my son can you hear me say
"I love and miss you forever and a day"
The holidays seem to come and go
I try to bend with the highs and lows
Your face is before me day and night
Reminding me always you're never really out of sight
Memories are tucked deep within my soul
But my heart is left with this empty hole
My gift to you this Christmas day
Is to follow your example in every way
"Love one another" as Jesus commanded us to
The reward will be great the more that you do.
Love and miss you more each day

Love always MOMMY




 This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Nicholas Pisano who was born in Pennsylvania on February 24, 1983 and passed away on March 31, 2008. You will live forever in our memories and hearts





Nicholas Robert Pisano was born in Philadelphia Pa on Febuary 24th 1983 to Barbara and Paul Pisano and passed away on March 31st 2008.He is survived by his parents,3 brothers Paul, his wife Krissy ,Vincent, his fiancee Maria and James and by his sister Rachel.He has 3 neices God daughter Angelyna,Alyssa and Vienna and 1 nephew Vincenzo.He is also survived by his maternal grandparents and many aunts,uncles and cousins.His dog Bella remains with us.We will love Nicky always and miss him forever and a day.


Nicky was brutally shot as he opened his door to two men who were impersonating a pizza delivery but in actuality were there to rob him.He was shot with his Bible in his hand


Nicky's trial starts June 13th 2011 and we pray for justice for Nicky


We want to thank everyone who lights candles and leave graphics for Nicky.We cherish them all as we do you.Love and God Bless


Please add your loved one to either Nicky's friends page or angel friends page.






 I want to thank Family Radio and e bible fellowship for the many wonderful teachings they have provided me in the past 3 years.Our goal as Christians is to spread the Good News through God's Holy Word The Bible.I ask that you pray for me and my family as I will yours

God Bless you all








Thank You Aunt Jo
































Dearest Nicky Well 2 years ago today we laid you out for all to come and pay tribute.What a turn out you had,everyone loved you.I miss you more and more each passing day and turn to the Lord for help.I love you so much it hurts.I wrote you a poem to tell you how much I still miss you.

Most people say:"I can't believe 2 years have gone by"
But I'm stuck on March 31 2008 the day that you died
My days last forever,the nights are so long
Someone took you from me and now you are gone
What right did they have to decide your fate
And leave me with these feelings of anger and hate
My life changed forever on that fateful night
No matter what anyone says it never seems right
"I lost my child" I find the words blurt out
When deep down inside,all I want to do is scream and shout.
Mechanically,I tackle my everyday chores
Knowing soon that the Lord will open up new doors
I pray for His guidance,for I know He truly cares
He'll help me climb out from under this avalanche of despair
Please talk to me about my child it's important to me
You may be uncomfortable,but don't you all see
I spoke of him often over the years
His death didn't change that,even though it brings tears
So rest peacefully for now my precious child
Lord willing I'll be joining you in a little while

Love always and forever missed XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO Mommy











Dad’s hurt too
People don't always see the tears a dad cries, his heart is broken too when his child dies.
He tries to hold it together and be strong, even though his world's gone wrong.
He holds his wife as her tears fall, Comforts her through it all,
He goes through his day doing what he's supposed to do,
But a piece of his heart has been ripped away too.
So when he's alone he lets out his pain, and his tears come like falling rain,
His world has crashed in around him, and a world that was once bright has gone dim.
He feels he has to be strong for others but Dads hurt too, not just the Mothers,
He searches for answers but none are to be found, he hides behind a mask when he is feeling down.
He smiles through his tears, he struggles and holds in his fears,
But what you see on the outside is not always real, men don't always show how they really feel.
So I'd like to ask a favor of you, the next time you see a mother hurting
over the loss of her child, please remember... a Dad hurts too.












 Your with GOD now Nick and i don't know if your able to read this, but i know GOD can. Although if you were standing next to me this is what i'd say....
They say to take it day by day but its more like minute to minute. They say it will get easier as time goes on but the fact of you not being here sets in a cold harsh reality that seems to worsen everyday. The sun doesn't seem to shine as bright anymore and the days seem so much longer. It hurts, i hurt. Nothing is the same for me. My mind is all messed up. I feel so many emotions at once. Even when i'm laughing, i'm still crying even when i'm smiling i'm still mourning. I think about you CONSTANTLY. Your beautiful eyes, your smile, your laugh, your words, your smell, your presence, that horrible phone call, that bright white room, the smell of the flowers. I'm all over the place right now , sometimes i still feel like I'm dreaming!!
Yeah, life has to go on and people have to live their lives but mine is so incomplete Nick and i don't ever see it ever being complete with you not here. I don't see anything for me being TRULY happy as it was when you were here. People say "You still have to live your life Rach" but, their ain't much here for me besides our family. This is not my home and nor was it yours. I see the picture GODS giving- that there is some SO MUCH BIGGER and much more IMPORTANT than this world-GOD he is the most important!! So I have to pay close attention, cause the world makes it so easy to be distracted and to think other words.
I love you brother and miss you more then words can express.

your only sister<3
GOD-i know its perfect bliss there but, since i can't please give my brother a hug and a kiss and tell him its from his sister.
Rachel Pisano,












April 28, 2008

brother my big brother i cant sleep without u. cenzo remembers everything about you. unfortunatley i had to see you like that i am so sick without you. i cant get it out of my head i wish i was there!!!!u helped make me what i am today.... cause we never had a silver spoon in our mouth and plus we never had a room in our house 8 heads 3 beds gotta sleep on the couch..ahah remember spitting that to me?... i wouldnt change a thing. nick dirt and fatneck brothers for life...blood makes us brothers life makes us friends. cant believe i am typing this it makes me sick. praise jesus you always were fast guess thats why u finished the race first..pray for me brother i need it i will never be the same ever again
brother vinny,

























The many faces of Nicky


What can be said about Nicky that those of you who knew and loved him don't already know?

That he was a lover not a fighter

(His words not mine)

He loved his family,his friends,his dog Bella,any kind of animal, rapping, football, an idea, a new discovery, arguing a point, telling a story (he had some whoppers) swimming, the ocean waves, a long walk on the beach, any kind of tea as long as it had tons of sugar in it, creating just the right sandwich calling each new one "The Best", stacked plates full of food to take home from mom's, his salt shaker always displayed on his coffee table like some kind of knic knac, the history and discovery channel, watching a dvd over and over again and trying to talk you into watching it just one more time,dancing (he had a lot of rythmn) impersonations, funny faces,loyalty but most of all " The Bible".

He didn't like fighting and always tried to look at what the other person was going through at the time.He most definitely tried to get you to understand that people are human and mess up,but we should love each other and always forgive because the Lord forgave us.

Nicky always had a love for Jesus,but he was headed in a new direction and he was on fire for the Lord. Once he discovered this new passion, he wanted to spread this good news to all:family,friends and the lost soul on the street. He spent hours reading the Bible and searching to find out what God was trying to teach him. If you ran into him you could be assured that he would open the Bible to show you what he had learned and try to match scripture for scripture with you. This is not a popular subject for many his age but he wasn't ashamed or shy to share this with you. Little by little friends and family would pick up a Bible just so they could read together and many say through Nicky they now read daily.

Many parents can boast about their children's accomplishments and the lists are long I'm sure. With the exception of the love and memories he has left behind to us all, Nicky didn't accomplish great things from a worldly point of view,however spiritually he has ran the race and won and I believe the world was a much better place for having him stop by for a while. I surely know it is a much dimmer place without him here.So as Nicky would say I leave you with this "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" you will never be disappointed!


























































Big Bro You Know Nick lit a candle on 12/31/2008: "thinkin about u on this new years eve, thinkin of u all the time, GOD blessed me to have u as a brother. U were my"




Big Bro Nick We Know That. lit a candle on 12/31/2008: "other half, and you were a better person than me. And taught me how to act the way GOD wants me to be.luv u!!!"



This is a poem Nicky's Aunt Marge wrote for him


April 06, 2008

I could feel your presence, dear nephew, as I wrote this. I love you and miss you.

Your Hug

You touched everyone's lives;
everyone you knew
And there will never be
anybody quite like you.

You were much too young to go, Nick;
a mere twenty-five
It just wasn't long enough
to have you in our lives.

We know that you were ready
to meet the Lord above
And we thank Him for allowing us
to share in all your love.

We love you and we miss you,
but even though your earthly life has dimmed
We take comfort in knowing
that God is holding you close to Him.

When the wind is blowing,
gently upon our face
We will remember, always,
your soft but strong embrace.

When we look upon a sunrise,
we'll know that you are there
It will help us through the days
when the pain is too much to bear.

We'll miss your friendly, warm brown eyes
and welcoming bright smile
We'll miss your easy going nature
and always laid back style.

We will miss everything about you, Nick,
all the days we are apart
But what we'll miss most of all
is the way you hugged us with your heart.
Marge Hellmuth, 




 This is a poem Nicky's cousin Tia wrote for him





 August 23, 2008

As summer is closing
And autumn nears
I look at all the changes
This year, I see through tears

Loved ones have been lost
New family have arrived
Hearts on roller coasters
Hanging on to survive

Change is a part of life
As everybody knows
Good and bad things happen
We bend with the highs and lows

Let us surround ourselves daily
With dear family and friends
Let us give our hearts to God
Knowing we reunite in the end.

Tia Carson,




 Here is another poem written by Nicky's cousin Tia on his 2 yr angelversary date



Two years have gone by

In the blink of an eye

Yet somehow so slow

It seems so long ago


Still you are missed

Our eyes forever mist

How could we know

That you had to go


We long for the day

When we hear the Lord say

"All is now better,

For we are all together"















Nicky and Lisa friends for life everlasting





























My life is done
Whether I die naturally
Or by knife or gun
Death began when life begun
They say life priceless
But what's the price of a gun
That's why I pray to Christ da Son
He had it worse than any life in the slum
A King that led the life of a bum
To give life to whoever might come
I sit back and watch the smoke blow away in the wind
And think about betrayal and sin
About the day it began and the day it'll end
But you gotta be saved from within
Christ I pray in this song
It seems like the days are so long
But I'm a stay strong
Cauze in Your grace I belong

Author Nicholas Pisano






Nicholas's prayer to God His Father  
I, Nicholas Pisano, pray to my God, the only God, the Creator of heaven and earth,whose seed was in itself the Son of the most High that not unwillingly but for our sake through mercy and love,faced the wrath of the Father.

He sent His own Son,who was crushed for our sake,that we might be saved through His grace.

What am I without my Lord? For I am nothing without the Lord,though I am alive,now I'm dead.But with Him,even in death is life and through Him,the Lamb without blemish,the only name under heaven through mercy and His love, not our love but His love, His generosity which give life freely.And blessed am I ,that He even allowed me to hear His Word and deserves all glory.For glory is He and His glory will not be given to another nor should be.He, the Creator of wisdom, He created love.He created life, He created all.His word accomplished whatever God set it to.He spoke me into existence.I pray to the Most High and the Son,who are one.The Son has always been.I hear your voice through your word and follow for You are my Shepherd, my Father, my Creator, the King of Kings, my Saviour.I beg for mercy because without Your mercy not one can stand before the face of the true God, who sits on the throne.

Our life is but a vapor which vanishes, but His life is an everlasting kingdom.Forgive me for I know not what I do.The only place my soul is safe is with You.Who can stop the hand of the Lord or who can stop His will.No other name under the heaven can deliver me.

My God's hand can not be held back, nor His will.His word will not tarry.

This prayer that Nicholas wrote to the Lord was found in his apartment after he died

















 Thank you Vicki
























My Child

I loved you for so many months
Before you were even born,
I talked and sang and read to you
And kept you safe and warm.

And when you opened first your eyes
And looked deeply into my soul,
My heart grew full, and with great relief,
I saw that you were whole.

Your tiny little bitsy fist,
Wrapped tight around my thumb,
The trust you placed upon me,
Struck me completely dumb.

How awesome was your little smile
That spoke of your dreams to me,
So trusting as you slowly nursed,
So dependant, relaxed and free.

Committed I myself to you,
As protector, friend and guide,
And watched you grow, a tender shoot,
Close ever by my side.

How shocked was I when the death angel came
And bore you to heaven’s home,
To fill a spot in God’s own heart,
And with Jesus talk and roam.

Please know, my child, how my heart breaks
That you have gone away;
Yet the love you opened up to me
Will last through judgment day.

Amid my grief my life goes on;
I learned so much from you:
How to trust my Heavenly Father
In everything I do.

Some great day when my life is done,
According to God’s plan;
I’ll bring my broken heart to you
And it will be whole again.

I thank my Lord for lending you,
In the way He did, to me.
For He used you as a building block
To my own eternity.















Latest Condolences
Margaret Buonpane Happy Easter April 2, 2015
Margaret Buonpane Happy Valentine's Day! February 12, 2015
Margaret Buonpane Happy New Year! December 30, 2014
Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom Thinking of you at Christmas December 24, 2014
Margaret Buonpane Merry Christmas December 23, 2014
Quick Gallery
Nicky's grandmom I love this room Come chill with me Mommy/Nicky one of my fav pics Another picture? Halloween Nicky/Daddy I Love You Precious Nicky Christmas play At the beach chillin with the doggie Funny faces chillin with some tea